Monday, August 28, 2017

Smoke in the Cascades

I have returned!  I know I haven't posted anything recently, but I spend very little, if any, time with the telescopes when wildfires are burning.

Currently there is a large fire burning to my north-northwest, one burning to my west and another burning to my south-southwest.  Smoke from the fires has been very thick where I live and moves in and out at its pleasure.  The last thing I want is corrosive smoke particles on my telescope optics.

My gear may not be great, but it isn't easy for me to replace.  So, during fire season, the scopes are stored and covered.  Fear not, however, for as the smoke is replaced by beautifully clear skies here, I will once again bring out the telescopes and allow my eyes to enjoy the sights they provide.

The photo here doesn't have anything to do with astonomy, but I like the image and it should give you a good idea of what I have been going through with the wildfire smoke.

In the image there are no normal clouds...just clouds of smoke.  The sun is about 30 minutes from setting and is sliding into a layer of smoke from the fire north of me.  Below that layer is a clear area with another layer of smoke from the fire west of me.  I really like the way the sunlight reflects off the lower layer of smoke.

I did shoot the eclipse...after all, I live in the Twilight Zone.  I figure I would wait until everyone is sick of eclipse photos, then I will post mine.  Might have a better chance of them being seen then...hehehe.

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